Monday, May 31, 2010

AEG-Electrolux relies on a special low-warpage grade of liquid crystalline polymer (LCP) to play a critical role in its combination ovens. Vectra liquid crystalline polymer (LCP) from Ticona Engineering Polymers provides heat resistance to an easy-to-clean interior door panel that covers a key metal component which, in turn, keeps microwaves inside the oven.

Vectra E440i is both heat resistant and transparent to microwaves and the material is used in an interior door panel where temperatures can reach up to 250°C. The injection molded panel permits electromagnetic energy to pass through to a hidden wave trap that prevents dangerous microwaves from escaping through the space between the metal frame of the door and the frame of the cooking space.

The material is also used because it offers stiffness and strength, scratch-resistance, and ease of cleaning.

The low-warpage LCP also offers easy and cost-effective thin-wall injection molding technology advantages due to excellent flowability. The 175-gram door interior panel is molded with a sprue of just 4 grams.
The Pressurex Zero is the newest addition to a firm’s tactile pressure-indicating sensor films. It characterizes tactile contact surface pressure down to an extremely low 7.2 psi. The easy-to-use flexible film is placed between contacting or mating surfaces to instantly and accurately map and measure pressure magnitude and distribution. Variations in contact surface pressure are immediately visible by the impression made on the film. The sensitivity of the film’s coating shows precisely how surfaces deform and engage under stress. The spatial resolution of the film is fine enough to expose minute surface defects and other imperfections. The range for Pressurex Zero is 7.2–28 psi. Sensor Products Inc.,
Optoelectronics specialist Lumex (Palatine, IL, U.S.; recently launched the InfoVue High/Low Temp series of custom, high-duty LCD displays for applications that perform in extreme heat or extreme cold. Whereas existing LCD technology performs in the –20° to 70°C temperature range, Lumex says, the InfoVue High/Low Temp displays provide consistent high-quality performance from –40° to 85°C.

“Previously LCDs that operated in extreme cold or extreme heat required bulky built-in heaters and coolers in order to ensure performance,” says Yasoob Ahmed, display technology manager. “The special liquid crystal used in the InfoVue High/Low Temp series eliminates the need for coolers and allows us to use low-power heaters.“ In addition, Ahmed says, custom InfoVue LCD displays can provide a 50% savings in technology costs and 80% energy savings when compared with alternative technologies such as vacuum fluorescents.

InfoVue LCD displays provide full graphic capability and daylight visibility. When combined with LED backlighting technology, a wide range of color options is available. Users can either opt for a monochromatic screen with any color of LED backlight, or select negative image option with mono colored pixels and a black background.

The displays can be produced in sizes ranging from 8 × 1 character displays to 320 × 240-pixel graphic displays.
The latest addition to the R8C family of microcontrollers (MCUs), the R8C/Lx series from Renesas Technology America Inc. (San Jose, CA, U.S.; offers engineers a built-in LCD controller and is capable of driving up to 416 LCD segments. According to the company, these features, along with other integrated features such as power-on-reset and on-chip oscillators, create a single-chip solution that reduces bill of material costs and design complexity.

“Electronics in a typical home appliance have to perform three main functions: system control, user interface, and safety/monitoring,” explains Nelson Quintana, product manager, system LSI business unit. “The R8C/Lx MCU integrates functional blocks to handle all three tasks.”

The MCU’s peripheral functions such as A/D, D/A, timers, and serial interfaces can be used in system control. Similarly, specialized hardware features such as detection of oscillator failure, an independent watchdog timer, and protection of system registers provide a self-testing mechanism to achieve a high level of safety and reliability. For the user interface, the MCU can control the most common input devices such as key matrices or knobs, and it can drive an LCD glass to enhance the operation of the appliance.

Quintana says that compared with other design options, an MCU with a built-in LCD controller provides more design flexibility. “Products incorporating an LCD can be typically designed using standard I/Os from any MCUs. This approach, however, has many limitations in the type and/or size of LCD glass that can be controlled, and the design can be complex since it is a software-based approach,” he explains.

A second approach is to use an LCD module that has a dedicated controller, also known as chip-on-glass. “Although this may be the easiest way to add an LCD to a product, it is definitely not the lowest-cost solution because of the addition of an extra chip,” Quintana says. “An MCU with a built-in LCD controller such as the R8C/Lx series provides greater flexibility, because the hardware can be configured for various options, thus reducing the software complexity and eliminating the cost of external components.”

Further adding to the device’s flexibility is the integrated data transfer controller (DTC). “The DTC unit can be configured to move data from any location in memory to any peripherals or vice versa,” Quintana explains. “In addition, the unit can be set to start transfers immediately after an interrupt trigger or with software control.”

In a motor control application for a washing machine, which requires the MCU to continuously monitor motor sensors through multiple A/D inputs, Quintana says the DTC can be configured to automatically transfer the A/D conversion results from the A/D registers to RAM for calculation purposes. “By doing so, the CPU will not be interrupted; hence, reducing the interrupt handling overhead,” he says.

Based on a 16-bit CPU core, the new device also integrates data flash memory with a background operation function that allows the CPU to execute instructions while data are being written to or erased from the data flash. It supports an extended voltage range of 1.8 to 5.5 V to give system designers options for configuring their power supplies, while potentially reducing system cost by eliminating unnecessary components. In addition, high-speed on-chip oscillators eliminate the need for an external resonator by proving precise clock signals at 40, 36.864, or 32 MHz.

In addition to an integrated data transfer controller, data flash, and an onboard 416-pixel LCD controller, the R8C/Lx MCU features hardware for self-testing to facilitate industry standards for safety.

Appliance technology has evolved significantly over the years, and two trends are merging to fuel the next round of appliance evolution — digital motor control and digital sensor processing. Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs) are at the confluence of these trends, and enable digital sensor processing, digital motor control and power factor correction to be implemented on a single chip.

DSCs have hardware accommodation for efficient DSP processing on-chip. While many advanced sensorless algorithms do not require DSP, most benefit from on-chip DSP resources. For example, the highly efficient Field-Oriented Motor Control (FOC) algorithm benefits from a single-cycle MAC, accumulator saturation and other features common to DSPs and DSCs, but not typically found on MCUs.

While the real world is analog, digital techniques have progressively augmented traditional analog design implementations. At the point where the balance is tipped, where the digital approach cannot be effectively matched with analog wizardry, digital control and processing become mainstream tools in the designer’s tool bag.

Digital motor control

Enlarge this picture
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Resource utilization for an advanced sensorless FOC algorithm on a 28-pin, 128 KB Flash DSC.
The ongoing trend toward electronic control is driving the venerable commutator out of its DC motor shell, as evidenced by the migration from Brushed to Brushless DC (BLDC) motors. Another disruptive shift was the replacement of Hall Effect sensors with resistor dividers to measure EMF feedback, through the main phase connections, to determine rotor position and velocity.

Now, advanced algorithms such as FOC are considered highly desirable, due to the resulting excellent torque response, improved motor efficiency and lower audible noise obtained through sinusoidal drives. The FOC algorithm asymptotically decouples the rotor torque and rotor flux, making the speed linearly related to torque current. This permits, for example, an induction motor to possess the same behavior of a separately excited DC motor.

All of these motor transformations have one thing in common: they are enabled by progressively more sophisticated electronic control, coupled with an economically viable control solution. The primary impediments delaying these dramatic shifts have been the availability of cost-effective control, and the time needed to understand and refine the technology.

Many underpinnings of those impediments have been removed with modern DSCs, which offer cost-optimized and application-optimized performance coupled with robust applications support. Regulatory add-ons, such as active power factor correction, exacerbate the control workload and accelerate acceptance of the digital solution. As DSCs continue to add capability and performance while prices continue to decrease, new possibilities for product development emerge. This can be illustrated with the example of the merging of digital motor control with digital sensor processing onto one DSC.

Digital sensor processing

Enlarge this picture
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Sensor signal plus noise in the time domain.
Today, a sensor signal within a typical motor-driven appliance is filtered, level shifted, amplified and fed to the Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) of an embedded controller. The performance of the embedded application depends on accurate information coming from the sensor. Sensors can degrade with use, which may accelerate product failure. Analog-filter and gain characteristics can change over time, temperature and manufacturing variations.

Digital sensor processing can be employed to provide advanced compensation for a variety of sensor conditions, including sensor degradation, performance reductions in age-sensitive or temperature-sensitive components, failure prediction, substituting a less expensive sensor without performance loss, or improving sensor accuracy. Since DSCs are increasingly being used for motor control, they provide an opportunity to utilize excess resources to also handle digital sensor processing tasks. Fig. 1 illustrates the resource utilization for an advanced sensorless FOC algorithm on a 28-pin 128 KB Flash, the dsPIC33F128MC202 DSC. (Note: dsPIC is a registered trademark of Microchip Technology.)

There is richness to sensor data in the frequency domain that is not apparent in the time domain. Sensors are often remote from signal conditioning circuitry, and their signals are subject to environmentally induced noise. A low signal-to-noise ratio can adversely affect the performance of the end application.

Enlarge this picture
Fig. 3. 
Fig. 3. Sensor signal plus noise in the frequency domain.
Take, for example, the thermocouple, which is a common sensor used for measuring temperature. Thermocouples are 2-wire sensing elements that use the Seebeck effect to measure the temperature at the junction of the two wires. The Seebeck effect creates a small voltage across the junction of two dissimilar metals that correlates to the temperature at the junction. Because of low signal amplitude and low current drive, thermocouple signals are highly susceptible to power-line contamination. For slowly moving temperatures, a low pass filter may satisfactorily reject power-line noise.

Digital filters are preferable for filter characteristics requiring adaptation (such as sharp rejection of a 50 Hz signal versus a 60 Hz signal), sharp cutoff frequencies or stability over time, temperature and production variation. For complex filters, the traditional analog filtering approach requires more components, is subject to drift over temperature and aging, and requires component swap-out for filter characteristic changes.

The thermocouple example can be extrapolated to any other sensor with induced noise that degrades application performance. For sensor applications with higher rates of change, the power-line noise may fall within the spectra of the sensor signal. This may best be filtered using a notch digital filter. Fig. 2 indicates a time-domain representation of a signal buried in noise. Fig. 3 illustrates how the desired signal becomes easily discernable in the frequency domain.

Another illustrative example can be found in a different class of sensor processing; one where sensor accuracy or reliability is desirable, but economically challenging. In such cases, two approaches can be taken. One is to use a lower-cost sensor and augment the lost reliability with digital sensor processing. The other is to combine sensor functions to eliminate a sensor. Alternately, it may be possible to do both. Turbidity detection can be used as a platform to illustrate plausible concepts.

Turbidity sensing

Enlarge this picture
Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. DSCs can optimally handle sensor processing and motor control, and may replace the user-interface MCU, depending on architectural preference.
Turbidity detection can be used to detect the level of particulates in dish or laundry water, to determine that the load is clean enough to terminate a wash cycle early. This helps to avoid additional tub fills, which saves machine energy and time. Industrial-grade turbidimeters, used at water treatment plants to assess water quality in the treatment cycle, are very precise and rugged, but are too expensive for appliance use.

Appliance turbidity sensors employ optical techniques, where a beam of light is passed through the liquid being tested. Two optical detectors — one positioned head-on to the light source, the other at an angle of 90 Deg to the light source — measure the transmitted and scattered light photons, respectively. The greater the concentration of suspended particles in the water, the less light gets through and the more it is scattered. The turbidity of the water is determined by analyzing the ratio of the scattered light signal, divided by the transmitted light signal.

Most dishwashers have removed the detector collecting scattered light information to save cost, which has resulted in reduced sensitivity. On the other hand, while this technique measures occlusion to a degree that is satisfactory for dishwasher applications, it may not be sensitive enough for clothes washer applications where the change in turbidity is relatively small. The frequency-domain analysis of transmitted light would not only provide the strength of the collected signal, but also spectral information that may yield sufficient information to enhance sensitivity for washing machines.

By implementing frequency-domain analysis of turbidity information on a DSC, dishwashers may be able to optimize detergent use and reduce rinse cycles by administering proper concentrations of detergent for local water conditions. Digital sensor processing may also be able to distinguish between particulates, normal turbulence, and the presence of detergent by examining frequency domain characteristics. This may permit the detector to have dual uses: both detergent detection and normal turbidity measurement.

An expensive element of turbidity detection is the material through which the liquid passes. Lower-cost material can succumb to abrasion following long-term exposure to particulates in the water flow. This causes reflected light that reduces the sensitivity of measurement. Digital sensor processing may permit lower-priced materials to be employed, by using digital techniques to improve signal selectivity — thus extending sensor life.

Practical considerations

Enlarge this picture
Table 1.
Table 1. Disruptive technology shifts in DC motor control
Appliance engineers do not need to be steeped in DSP technology to take advantage of frequency-domain techniques. Low-cost tools can recommend digital filter types and generate coefficients based on the desired filter parameters. In fact, free, optimized DSP libraries and tools that are available today permit the examination of sensor signals in the frequency domain. DSCs are well-adapted implementation vehicles for this frequency-domain processing, since they have specialized hardware and addressing modes optimized for DSP. Additionally, DSCs incorporate hardware specialized for motor control and power-drive applications, so both sensor processing and motor control can be accomplished with a single chip. Training and vendor support can also accelerate time to market.

The use of DSCs to perform both digital motor control and digital sensor processing presents appliance designers with new opportunities to

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

GlobTek is proud to introduce our family of Li-Ion Batteries with capacity up to 1600 ma/hr per cell. Advantages over other battery chemistries: High Operation Voltage 3.6V/Cell Longer Cycle Life Typically 1000 Times Large Specific Energy Up to 160 Wh/Kg Up to 360 Wh/L Large Energy Density Up to that of NI-Cd / Ni-MH cells. Low Self-Discharge Rate (as low as 6% / month), Environmentally Friendly (no metal Lithium inside), Excellent Charge / Discharge Characteristics (more than 500 charge/discharge cycles), Fast Charging "A" cells can be fully charged in only 70 minutes using a constant current/constant voltage charging method at a maximum current of 1Cma. GlobTek's Li-Ion Batteries are designed and produced according to UL, CE Safety Standards. Our battery testing includes: Crush Test, Overcharging, Thermal Shocking, Short Circuit, Nail Penetration, and Incineration. Cells are designed for "High Rate" charging and discharging making these ideals for Portable, Consumer, Industrial & Medical Equipment. Chargers are also available.
GlobTek is proud to introduce Ni-Cd and Ni-MH Battery Packs. Battery sizes from AAA, AA, A, Sc, C, D are available in shrink-wrap, ABS plastic or custom packs. These UHC (Ultra High Capacity) Cells have ratings up to 13000 mAh (NiMH D). Cells have excellent flatness discharge plateau maintaining 1.2V for 90% of the discharge period. Cells are designed for "High Rate" charging and discharging making these batteries ideal for Portable Appliances, Communication, Video, Power Tools, Consumer Electronics, Industrial and Medical Equipment. Proven Reliability, Extended Service Life and Low Cost make these batteries perfect for OEM requirements.Chargers are also available.
GlobTek is proud to introduce our NEW family of External Desktop 70W Switchmode Power Supplies. These low profile, ABS enclosed, SMT, Leading Edge, convection cooled designs offer up to 70W of regulated power. Universal input of 90-260 Vac 47-63Hz and outputs ranging from 3V to 48Vdc. All designs are safety agency approved (UL, CSA (cUL), TUV/VDE, CE). These power sources are ideal for Portable Equipment, Communication, Video, Power Tools, Consumer Electronics, Industrial and Medical Equipment. Proven Reliability, VERY Low Cost and modified designs make these power supplies perfect for OEM requirements. International Power Cords are also available.
GlobTek is proud to introduce our NEWLY REDUCED COST family of Open Frame 150W Switchmode Power Supplies. These 199 x 110 x 50 mm, low profile Leading Edge, convection-cooled designs offer up to 150W of regulated power. Designs have Built-In EMI Filter, Soft-Start Circuit, Limiting AC Surge Current, Short Circuit and Overload Protection. Universal selectable input of 85-132/170-264Vac 47-63Hz and outputs of 5,7.5,12, 24 Vdc and multiple up to quad are available (Output Voltage Adjustable). All models have safety agency approvals (UL, cUL, TUV, CE). These power sources are ideal for Tele/Data Communication, Video, Consumer Electronics, Industrial, Medical Equipment or any system requiring power. Attractive Small Size, Proven Reliability.


GlobTek is proud to introduce our Transformers Inductors products. These sleek low profile designs can supply up to 300 VA power. All designs meet safety agency approvals (CSA (cUL), TUV/VDE, CE)and are listed with UL. These power components are ideal for Portable Equipment, Communication, Video, Power Tools, Consumer Electronics, Industrial and Medical Equipment. Attractive Small Size, Proven Reliability, VERY Low Cost and Modified Designs available make these power components perfect for OEM requirements. International Power Supplies are also available.
GlobTek is proud to introduce our family of Cooling Fans. These Low Cost designs are available with lubricated sleeve or ball bearings. Inputs of 3,5,12 or 24 volts for Brushless Dc and 115 or 230 volts for Axial-Tube AC applications. Finger Guards and Filters for the fans are also available. Safety Agency approved. These Cooling Devices are ideal for Portable Equipment, Communication, Video, Power Tools, Consumer Electronics, Industrial and Medical Equipment. Attractive Small Size, Proven Reliability and VERY Low Cost make these Cooling Devices perfect for OEM requirements. International Power Fan Cords are also available. Catalog also available on
GlobTek is proud to announce its newest innovation, our GU series of ATX type switching power supplies & Lead Acid battery combinations! This product allows ATX SPS users to take advantage of our high quality and low cost ATX with the advantage of a disater saving battery backup. This system-saving product fits in all standard PCs and takes the form of standard case sizes for ATX & Micro-ATX type supplies. The battery can easily be fitted in the 5 1/4" drive bay of any PC (Model #s: GUB 2420 / GUB 1244), or fitted inside the chassis of a PC or other types of equipment (GUB 1240 & 1270).

Key Points:
- Support Software monitoring function under UNIX, DOS, Win 98, NT, Netware environment. (optional)
- Remote Control On/Off without AC main power!
-Designed to meet all worldwide regulatory requirements such as: UL, cUL, CE, TUV, T-Mark, etc. Will certify upon request.

GlobTek is proud to introduce our (2) families of External Desktop Medical Switchmode Power Supplies. These designs are available in sleek low profile ABS plastic cases, SMT Leading Edge circuit designs, are convection cooled with regulated voltage outputs. Designs are available in 24W or up to 60W configurations. Universal input of 90-260 Vac 47-63Hz and outputs ranging 12,15,24 & 30Vdc. All designs are APPROVED to UL 2601.1, CSA (cUL 601.1), NEMKO EN60601.1 & CE. Designs were tested to EMC requirements. These power sources are ideal for Portable Equipment, Communication, Video, Power Tools, and Other Electronic Medical Equipment. Attractive Small Size, Proven Reliability, VERY Low Cost makes these power supplies perfect for OEM requirements (Modified Designs are also available). International Medical Power cords are also available.

DC - DC Converters

GlobTek is proud to introduce our NEW family of DC - DC Converters. These PCB mountable low profile Leading Edge designs are convection cooled and offer 1.5 to 60W of regulated power. Inputs of 9-18,18-36,36-72 Vdc have outputs of 3.3, 5, 12, 15 Vdc along with sense, trim, and remote on/off controls. Multiple output designs are also available. These power sources are ideal for Portable Equipment, Communication, Video, Power Tools, Consumer Electronics, Industrial and Medical Equipment. Attractive Small Size, Proven Reliability, VERY Low Cost and Modified Designs available make these power supplies perfect for OEM requirements.

International Power Cordset

GlobTek is offering wide range of International Power Cordset. These cordsets are approved to international safety agency requirements. Designs are available in various lengths, cable types, conductor gauge,termination, and jacket color. Cordsets are ideal for Portable Equipment, Communication, Video, Power Tools, Consumer Electronics, Industrial and Medical Equipment. Many designs are available from stock. VERY Low Cost make these power supplies perfect for OEM requirements. Catalog also available on www.GlobTek.


The latest additions to GlobTek extensive range of fuseholders include snap to panel fixing styles for 5x20mm and 6.3x32mm fuses. Allowing quick easy assembly into panels, the range omprises bayonet and screw cap styles with round or square bezels, all types are designed to snap securely to 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 or 3.0mm panels and conform to IEC127-6 category PC2. Finally the FX0418 is for 6.3x32mm fuses with screwdriver release screw cap, 6.3mm terminals and is rated at 16A, 250V. All types are manufactured from UL94V-0 flame retardant Nylon and glass filled Polyester materials, achieving an ac breakdown voltage of at least 2kV and an insulation resistance greater than 102M. Contact resistance is less than 10m.
These power components are approved to many international safety agency requirements. Designs are aavailable in various styles for various cable types, conductor guage sizes, terminations, and jackeets. Our "Polysnap IEC Module Sysstem" allows up to 388 combinations of IEC inlets, outlets, power on/off switches and fuse holders for hot/cold conditions. Waterproof Power Connectors are also available. These primary power components are ideal for Portable Equipment, Communication, Video, Power Tool, Consumer Electronics, Industrial and Medical Equipment. Many designs are available from stock. Low Cost make these power components perfect for OEM requirements. International Power Supplies are also available.
See Specification , Rating Table & Modular Concept for Desktop Power Supplies
GlobTek Inc. is proud to introduce our new large family, over 200 standard models, single, dual, triple and triple-low, output voltage from: 3.3V to 48V in 0.1V increment, single-platform design. This family of Desktop Style power supplies is housed in Impact Resistant Polycarbonate Enclosure, Thermal Conduction Cooling, Case Dimensions: 5.60L x 3.00W x 1.7H (in), all Models. This Family features: Regulated output with low ripple single/dual/triple up to 100W, Remote Sensing, has Built-in Protection features: O.C./S.C., O.V., Thermal, accepts Universal Input:100-250VAC, meets Safety Agency Requirements: UL60950 and UL2601, and complies with EMI/RFI Regulations, EMC Directives/ CE Compliant for Grounded and Non-Grounded Applications. Power Factor Correction (PFC) is available, standard option, to comply with EN61000-3-2 and EN61000-3-3. Modified and Custom Designs, such as: Constant Current, Battery Chargers, Internal Applications: PCB and Open Frame Mounted are Also Available.

See Specification , Rating Table& Modular Concept for Desktop Power Supplies

For more information please inquire:
Tel 201.784.1000 Fax 201.784.0111
Email: sales@

GlobTek's TR9 - series of Low-Profile External Desktop Switch-Mode Power Supplies integrate SMT Leading Edge circuit designs, are convection cooled with Universal input of 90-260 Vac 47-63Hz and regulated voltage outputs of 7.5, 12, 15, 24, 36, 48VDC. All designs are APPROVED to UL/cUL 1950, CE, TUV-GS, CB, MITI T-MARK, meet or exceed international EMC requirements. These power sources are ideal for Portable Equipment, Communication, Video, Power Tools, and Other Electronic Equipment. Attractive Small Size, Proven Reliability, Modified Designs are also available.
GlobTek is proud to introduce our Medical Power Transformers. These low cost Wall Plug-In & Desktop designs can provide AC output up to 115 W. Standard features: 0-40C Operating Temperature, Short Circuit and Overload Protection, Input Voltage of 115 or 230 Vac 50 or 60 Hz, Output Voltage ranging from 3-30Vac & center tap, ABS plastic enclosed, Listed/Certified or designed to meet UL 2601.1 / CSA (cUL) 22.2 #601.1. These power sources are ideal for medical Portable Equipment, Communication, Video, and Power Tools. Attractive Small Size, Proven Reliability, VERY Low Cost makes these power supplies perfect for OEM requirements. Modified & Custom are also available.

GlobTek is proud to introduce our Linear Medical Adaptors. These low cost Wall Plug-In designs can provide DC output up to 100W(custom, Dual Cord Desktop). Standard features: Within each model, Output may vary from 50mA to max. Load specified, in 50 mA increments, preserving output voltage +/- 5% tolerance. Options for specifying Output Voltage Deviation from standard model add suffix -x.x to model no. See specifications Dielectric Strength: 4000VAC pri-sec; Spacing 8mm pri-sec; Leakage:<0.100mA. Input Voltage of 120 or 220/230/240 VAC 50 or 60 Hz, Output Voltage ranging from 3-48Vdc & multiple Black Polycarbonate UL94V-0 enclosure required to UL 2601-1/ CSA (cUL) 22.2 #601.1 and TUV to EN0601. These power sources are ideal for medical Portable Equipment and other medical applications. Attractive Small Size, Proven Reliability, VERY Low Cost makes these power supplies perfect for OEM requirements. Modified & Custom are also available.

GlobTek Open Frame 200W "High Reliability" Switchmode Power Supplies w/Active PFC. These low profile (178 x 108 x 30 mm) Integral Heatsink, convection-cooled models offer up to 200W of regulated power. Designs have Active PFC (0.98min.), Built-In EMI Filter Class B, Limiting AC Surge Current, Short Circuit / Overload Protection. Universal Wide Range Input of 85-264Vac 47-63Hz with single output units of 3.3-48Vdc and multiple output units up to quad are available.

See: 200W Open-Frame Rating Table and Open-Frame General Specifications

Designed to meet MTBF rating of 150,000+ hours at 50C w/o a fan. All designs are Approved or designed to meet international safety agency approvals (UL, cUL, TUV, CE, CB for ITE #UL60950 or Medical #UL2601-1) and EMC requirements. These power sources are ideal for Tele/Data Communication, Video, Industrial, Medical Equipment or any system requiring power. Attractive Small Size, Proven Reliability & Cost Efficient availability makes these power supplies perfect for OEM requirements. Modified & Custom designs Power Supplies up to 2000W are also available.
GlobTek is introducing our family of Open Frame 288W Switchmode Power Supplies. These low profile (215 x 107 x 60 mm) Leading Edge, convection-cooled, designs offer up to 300W of regulated power. Designs have Active PFC, Built-In EMI Filter, Limiting AC Surge Current, Short Circuit / Overload Protection. Universal Wide Range Input of 85-264Vac 47-63Hz and outputs of 3.3-48Vdc, Vdc and multiple up to quad are available. Designed to meet MTBF rating of up to 150,000+ hours at 50C w/out a fan. All designs are Approved or designed to meet international safety agency approvals (UL, cUL, TUV, CE, CB for ITE #950 or Medical #601.1) and EMC requirements. These power sources are ideal for Tele/Data Communication, Video, Industrial, Medical Equipment or any system requiring power. Attractive Small Size, Proven Reliability & Cost Efficient availability makes these power supplies perfect for OEM requirements. Modified & Custom designs Power Supplies up to 2000W are also available.

GlobTek is introducing our families of External Switchmode Split-Rate Constant Current Sealed Lead Battery Chargers. These designs are available in sleek low profile 94VO Polycarbonate, no vents plastic cases 118 x 60 x 33 mm to 141x76x43mm, SMT Leading Edge circuit designs, are thermal conduction cooled with regulated current, single output. For the first part of the charging period , while the battery is in low state of charge, the current charge will be medium to high charge rate, factory adjustable. When the battery is approaching full charge, the charging current is switched to a very low trickle charge rate. The charger then may be left connected to the battery indefinitely.
Designs are available up to 72W configurations. Universal input of 90-264 Vac 47-63Hz and outputs ranging from 1 cell to 48V battery. All designs are APPROVED to meet UL 2601-1, CSA (cUL22.2 #601.1), TUV EN60601, CE & CB. Designs were tested to EMC
requirements. These battery chargers are ideal for Portable Equipment, Communication, Video, Power Tools, and Other Electronic Medical & ITE Equipment. Attractive Small Size, Proven Reliability, Cost efficiency makes these power supplies perfect for OEM requirements (Modified designs & for use with ITE 60950 equipment are also available). International Power Cords are also available.

GlobTek is introducing our families of External Switchmode Split-Rate Constant Current Sealed Lead Battery Chargers. These designs are available in sleek low profile 94VO Polycarbonate, no vents plastic cases 118 x 60 x 33 mm to 141x76x43mm, SMT Leading Edge circuit designs, are thermal conduction cooled with regulated current, single output. For the first part of the charging period , while the battery is in low state of charge, the current charge will be medium to high charge rate, factory adjustable. When the battery is approaching full charge, the charging current is switched to a very low trickle charge rate. The charger then may be left connected to the battery indefinitely.

Designs are available up to 72W configurations. Universal input of 90-264 Vac 47-63Hz and outputs ranging from 1 cell to 48V battery. All designs are APPROVED to meet UL 2601-1, CSA (cUL22.2 #601.1), TUV EN60601, CE & CB. Designs were tested to EMC
requirements. These battery chargers are ideal for Portable Equipment, Communication, Video, Power Tools, and Other Electronic Medical & ITE Equipment. Attractive Small Size, Proven Reliability, Cost efficiency makes these power supplies perfect for OEM requirements (Modified designs & for use with ITE 60950 equipment are also available). International Power Cords are also available.

GlobTek Inc. is introducing new large family, over 200 standard models, single, dual, triple and triple-low, output voltage from: 3.3V to 48V in 0.1V increment, single-platform design. This high efficiency, 85% typ., family of Open-Frame/ PCB Mount Style power supplies, size: 5.15L x 2.75W x 1.50H (in) has integral multi-fold heatsink natural convection cooling. The Triple-Low Model shown: +3.3V/3A, +5V/3A, +12V/6A accepts Universal Input: 90-264 VAC or 36-72 VDC, features regulated outputs with low ripple, has Class B EMI Filter and P.F. Correction; also Built-in Protection features: O.C./S.C., O.V., O.T., meets Safety Agency Requirements: UL60950 and UL2601, CE Compliant for Grounded and Non-Grounded Applications. Modified and Custom Designs, such as: Constant Current, Battery Chargers and other Internal Applications are also available.
GlobTek Inc. is introducing our new family of External Switchmode Constant Current Split-Charge, two states: fast charge with charge termination and trickle charge end module. Fast Charge, 1C, Main Termination is achieved by Negative Delta Voltage or Delta Temperature Cut-Off and failsafe back-up: maximum temperature cut-off and 4-5 hours timer. Two Visual indicators are provided: Power-On and Charging using distinctive patterns to indicate the current charger status. This family is available in low profile 94V0 Polycarbonate plastic, no vents cases, size: 118L x 60W x 33H (mm), SMT/Through-Hole Components Single-Platform Design, has integral multi-fold heatsink thermal conduction cooling. Single Output, current regulated, are available up to 60W power, with outputs ranging from 1 cell to 48V battery configurations; accepts Universal Input: 90-264 VAC 47-63Hz, has Class B EMI Filter, meets Safety Agency Requirements: UL60950 and UL2601, CE Compliant. Modified and Custom Designs are also available.
GlobTek's 2 Conductor IEC 320/C7 International Detachable Power Cordset. These cordsets are approved to international safety agency requirements. Designs are available in various lengths, cable types, conductor gauge, termination, and jacket color. Cordsets are ideal for Portable Equipment, Communication, Video, Consumer Electronics, Instrumentation and Home Use Medical Equipment. N. American, European, Australian & British cordsets are available from stock. VERY Low Cost make these cordsets perfect for OEM requirements. International Power Supplies are also available.

GlobTek Inc. is proud to introduce our new single-output family, GT-21126 series, output voltage from: 3.3V to 48V in 0.1V increment, single-platform design. This family of Desktop Style power supplies is housed in Impact Resistant Polycarbonate Enclosure, Thermal Conduction Cooling, Case Dimensions: 4.70L x 2.40W x 1.26H (in), all Models. This Family features: Regulated output with low ripple up to 60W output power, Remote Sensing, has Built-in Protection features: O.C./S.C., O.V., Thermal, accepts Universal Input:100-250VAC, meets Safety Agency Requirements: UL60950, CSA 22.2#950, and TUV EN60950 and complies with EMI/RFI Regulations, EMC Directives/ CE and FCC Class B, for Grounded, Class I ITE Applications. All Models carry UL, TUV and T-Mark/PSE-Mark logo's, and CE-Mark Report generated by independent Certified Laboratory. Modified and Custom Designs, such as: Constant Current, Battery Chargers, Internal Applications: PCB and Open Frame Mounted are Also Available.

GlobTek's new line of Medical Adaptors for Domestic, International & Universal applications. Designs include Wall Plug-in & Desktop styles: AC-DC Unregulated & Regulated AC-DC Switchmode power supplies up to 100W; Open Frame Regulated AC-DC Switchmode design up to 200W which include single through quad output configurations. All designs are approved or meet UL 2601.1, cUL 601.1, TUV/VDE EN60601.1 & CE requirements. These cost effective designs are ideal for OEM Medical products. International/Medical Power Cords are also available.

GlobTek Inc. is introducing single-output family, GT-21088/4101W series, sleek low-profile North America and Europe Wall Plug-In Configurations, Output voltage from: 3.3V to 24V in 0.1V increment, from 5W to 12W output power, single-platform design. This switcher family incorporates additional output ripple attenuator for less than 10mV and provides "Linear Performance at Linear Price" with advantage of "Low Profile Plug-In Side". Style power supplies is housed in Impact Resistant Polycarbonate Enclosure, Thermal Conduction Cooling, Case Dimensions: 57L x 48W x 26H (mm) or: 60L x 44W x 25H (mm), all Models. This Family features: Regulated output with very low ripple up to 12W output power, has Built-in Protection features: O.C/S.C., O.V., Thermal, accepts Universal Input: 100-250VAC, meets Safety Agency Requirements: UL60950, CSA 22.2#950, and TUV EN60950 and complies with EMI/RFI Regulations, EMC Directives/CE and FCC Class B, for Non-Grounded, Class II Double-Enforced Insulation, ITE Applications. All Models carry UL, TUV and T-Mark logos, and CE-Mark Report generated by independent Certified Laboratory Modified and Custom Designs, such as: Constant Current, Battery Chargers are Also Available.

Data Sheets:
- GT(M)21088/4101W Series, 5-12W, ITE and Medical, Low-Profile Wall Plug-In

GlobTek Inc. is introducing our new large family, single-output models, output voltage from: 3.3V to 48V in 0.1V increment, single-platform design (3Wx5Lx1.2H)(in), industry standard, with Input Current-Shaper. This high efficiency, 85% typ., family of Open-Frame/ PCB Mount Style power supplies, has integral multi-fold heatsinks natural convection cooling, and In/Out Headers with Locking Ramp Connector for Open-Frame Configurations (non-locking headers for PCB Mount); accepts Universal Input: 90-264 VAC, features regulated output with low ripple, has Class B EMI Filter and P.F. Correction; also Built-in Protection features: O.C./S.C., O.V., O.T., meets Safety Agency Requirements: UL60950 (ITE) and UL2601 (Medical), CE Compliant for Grounded (Class I) and Non-Grounded Class II) Applications. Modified and Custom Designs, such as: Constant Current, Battery Chargers and other Internal Applications are also available. Priced at…. In OEM quantities.

Data Sheets:
- GT(M)2065 Series, 30-65W, ITE and Medical (3X5)" Open Frame & PCB Mount

GlobTek's newly updated "slim line" single-output family, WR9H(M)-series, sleek low-profile North America and Europe Wall Plug-In Configurations, Output voltage from: 3.0V to 48V in 0.1V increment, from 3W to 12W output power, single-platform design. This switcher family incorporates additional output ripple attenuator for less than 10mV and provides "Linear Performance at Linear Price" with advantage of "Low Profile Plug-In Side". Style power supplies is housed in Impact Resistant Polycarbonate Enclosure, Thermal Conduction Cooling, Case Dimensions: 57L x 48W x 26H (mm) or: 60L x 44W x 25H (mm), all Models. This Family features: Regulated output with very low ripple up to 12W output power, has Built-in Protection features: O.C/S.C., O.V., Thermal, accepts Universal Input: 100-250VAC, meets Safety Agency Requirements: UL60950, CSA 22.2#950, and TUV EN60950 and complies with EMI/RFI Regulations, EMC Directives/CE and FCC Class B, for Non-Grounded, Class II Double-Enforced Insulation, ITE Applications. All Models carry UL & TUV logos, and CE-Mark. Modified and Custom Designs, such as: Constant Current, Battery Chargers are Also Available.

Data Sheets:
- GT(M)21088/4101W Series, 5-12W, ITE and Medical, Low-Profile Wall Plug-In

GlobTek's newly updated "slim line" single-output family, WR9H(M)-series, sleek low-profile North America and Europe Wall Plug-In Configurations, Output voltage from: 3.0V to 48V in 0.1V increment, from 3W to 12W output power, single-platform design. This switcher family incorporates additional output ripple attenuator for less than 10mV and provides "Linear Performance at Linear Price" with advantage of "Low Profile Plug-In Side". Style power supplies is housed in Impact Resistant Polycarbonate Enclosure, Thermal Conduction Cooling, Case Dimensions: 57L x 48W x 26H (mm) or: 60L x 44W x 25H (mm), all Models. This Family features: Regulated output with very low ripple up to 12W output power, has Built-in Protection features: O.C/S.C., O.V., Thermal, accepts Universal Input: 100-250VAC, meets Safety Agency Requirements: UL60950, CSA 22.2#950, and TUV EN60950 and complies with EMI/RFI Regulations, EMC Directives/CE and FCC Class B, for Non-Grounded, Class II Double-Enforced Insulation, ITE Applications. All Models carry UL & TUV logos, and CE-Mark. Modified and Custom Designs, such as: Constant Current, Battery Chargers are Also Available.

Data Sheets:
- GT(M)21088/4101W Series, 5-12W, ITE and Medical, Low-Profile Wall Plug-In

GlobTek Inc. is introducing our new single-output family, GT(M)21089/21096 series, Desk-Top/Wall-Plug-In North America, Europe, U.K., Australia/Open-Frame Class I, Protective Ground and Class II, Double-Enforced Insulation Mechanical Configurations, Output voltage from: 3.3V to 48V in 0.1V increment, from 10W to 20W maximum output power, single-platform design. Style enclosed power supplies are housed in Impact Resistant non-vented Polycarbonate Upper and Lower Case, Thermal Conduction Cooling, Case Dimensions: 86.5L x 47W x 32H (mm) Desk-Top or: 74L x 49W x 40.5H (mm) Wall-Plug-In all Models or 84.6L x 30.7W x 28.9H (mm) Open-Frame. This Family features: Regulated output with very low ripple up to 20W output power, has Built-in Protection features: O.C./S.C., O.V., Thermal, accepts Universal Input:100-250VAC, meets Safety Agency Requirements: UL2601/UL60950/UL1310, CSA 22.2#601/950/223-M91, and TUV EN60601/EN60950 and complies with EMI/RFI Regulations, EMC Directives/ CE and FCC Class B, for Grounded and Non-Grounded, Medical and ITE Applications. All Models carry UL, TUV and T-Mark logos, and CE-Mark Report generated by independent Certified Laboratory. Modified and Custom Designs are Also Available.

Data Sheets:
- GT(M)21089 Series, 10-20W, ITE and Medical Desktop & Wall Plug-In

- GT221089 Series, 10-20W, Class 2 Power Unit, Desktop & Wall Plug-In
- GT(M)21096 Series, 10-20W ITE and Medical Open Frame & PCB Mount

GlobTek Inc. is introducing our new single-output family, GT(M)21089/21096 series, Desk-Top/Open-Frame, internal version of the enclosed family, of Class I, Protective Ground and Class II, Double-Enforced Insulation, Mechanical Configurations, Output voltage from: 3.3V to 48V in 0.1V increment, from 10W to 20W maximum output power, single-platform design. Style enclosed power supplies are housed in Impact Resistant non-vented Polycarbonate Upper and Lower Case, Thermal Conduction Cooling, Case Dimensions: 86.5L x 47W x 32H (mm) Desk-Top or 84.6L x 30.7W x 28.9H (mm) Open-Frame/PCB Mount. This Family features: Regulated output with very low ripple up to 20W output power, has Built-in Protection features: O.C./S.C., O.V., Thermal, accepts Universal Input:100-250VAC, meets Safety Agency Requirements: UL2601/UL60950/UL1310, CSA 22.2#601/950/223-M91, and TUV EN60601/EN60950 and complies with EMI/RFI Regulations, EMC Directives/ CE and FCC Class B, for Grounded and Non-Grounded, Medical and ITE Applications. All Models carry UL, TUV, T-Mark logo's, with CE-Mark Report generated by independent Certified Laboratory. Modified and Custom Designs are Also Available.

Data Sheets:
- GT(M)21089 Series, 10-20W, ITE and Medical Desktop & Wall Plug-In

- GT221089 Series, 10-20W, Class 2 Power Unit, Desktop & Wall Plug-In
- GT(M)21096 Series, 10-20W ITE and Medical Open Frame & PCB Mount

GlobTek Inc. is introducing our new single-output family, GT(M)21089-W series, North America/Japan, Europe, U.K., Australia Plug Configurations, of Class I, Protective Ground and Class II, Double-Enforced Insulation, Output voltage from: 3.3V to 48V in 0.1V increment, from 10W to 20W maximum output power, single-platform design. Style enclosed power supplies are housed in Impact Resistant non-vented Polycarbonate Upper and Lower Case, Thermal Conduction Cooling, Case Dimensions: 74L x 49W x 40.5H (mm). This Family features: Regulated output with very low ripple up to 20W output power, has Built-in Protection features: O.C./S.C., O.V., Thermal, accepts Universal Input:100-250VAC, meets Safety Agency Requirements: UL2601/UL60950/UL1310, CSA 22.2#601/950/223-M91, and TUV EN60601/EN60950 and complies with EMI/RFI Regulations, EMC Directives/ CE and FCC Class B, for Grounded and Non-Grounded, Medical and ITE Applications. All Models carry UL, TUV, T-Mark logo's, with CE-Mark Report generated by independent Certified Laboratory. Modified and Custom Designs are Also Available.

Data Sheets:
- GT(M)21089 Series, 10-20W, ITE and Medical Desktop & Wall Plug-In

- GT221089 Series, 10-20W, Class 2 Power Unit, Desktop & Wall Plug-In

GlobTek Inc. is introducing our new single-output family, GT-(A,R)81051-W2 series, North America, Europe, U.K., Australia Plug Configurations, of Class II, Double-Enforced Insulation, Output voltage from: 3.0V to 13V in 0.1V increment, 5 watts maximum output power, single-platform design. CV/CC (Constant-Voltage/ Constant-Current Limit) Models are derivative of Constant-Voltage, Current Limit standard models, and main applications Li-Ion battery chargers. Style enclosed power supplies are housed in Impact Resistant non-vented Polycarbonate Upper and Lower Case, Thermal Conduction Cooling, Case Dimensions: Low Profile (R) 39.5Lx29.5Wx54H (mm) and Standard (A) 30.2Lx39.3Wx55.5H. This Family features: Regulated output with very low ripple up to 5W output power, has Built-in Protection features: O.C./S.C., O.V., Thermal, accepts Universal Input:100-250VAC, meets Safety Agency Requirements: UL60950, CSA 22.2#950, and TUV EN60601/EN60950 and complies with EMI/RFI Regulations, EMC Directives/ CE and FCC Class B, ITE/ Battery Charger Applications. All Models carry UL, TUV logo's, with CE-Mark Report generated by independent Certified Laboratory. Modified and Custom Designs are Also Available.

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Data Sheets:
GT-R81051 Series, 5W Single Output, Desktop & Wall Plug-In
GT-A81051 Series, 5W Single Output, Desktop & Wall Plug-In

"GlobTek" DC/DC Desktop and Car Receptacle Mount switching power sources are designed for High tech, mobile devices requiring DC power on the run.

"GlobTek" DC/DC Mobile Power Sources, 1-56W output power.

GlobTek Inc. is introducing three new single-output families of DC/DC converters ideal for mobile applications requiring higher power and stable DC power from vehicular or battery power sources. 1-56 Watt Single-Output Series Switching Power Supplies; GTD21088, GTD21109, GTD21148 series', Car cigarette plug receptacle, Alligator clip, or multiple types of fastons/quick disconnect input Configurations. Designs are Class II, have Double-Enforced Insulation, and Output voltage from: 3.3V to 48V in 0.1V increment, from 1W to 56W maximum output power. Style enclosed power supplies are housed in Impact Resistant non-vented Polycarbonate Upper and Lower Case, Thermal Conduction Cooling, Case Dimensions: GTD21088: 57L x 48W x 26H (mm); GTD21108: 120.4L x 433.5W x 1H (mm); GTD21148: 103L x 50W x 22H (mm) . These Families features: Regulated output with very low ripple up to 56W output power, has Built-in Protection features: O.C./S.C., O.V., Thermal, accepts three input voltage ranges: 10-15VDC, 18-36 VDC, 36-72VDC and meets Safety Agency Requirements: UL60950, CSA 22.2#950, and TUV EN60950 and complies with EMI/RFI Regulations, EMC Directives/ CE and FCC Class B, for Non-Grounded, ITE Applications. All Models carry CE-Mark Report generated by independent Certified Laboratory. Modified and Custom Designs are Also Available.